26.07.14 Sat : 28 Ramadan, Iftar
after collecting my baju telok belanga from Mr S at Aljunied; terimakasih :)
and a $6.90 haircut at Hair de Glory... hehehe
colourful iftar this evening. Alhamdulillah...
-Fresa: Pomegranate & watermelon drink
-nasi briyani kambing set (TPY Lor 8)
-rojak India (TPY Lor 8)
-kuih muih

26.07.14 Sat : 28 Ramadan, Snack & Sahur

25.07.14 Fri : 27 Ramadan, Iftar

25.07.14 Fri : Sarong Raya 2014

25.07.14 Fri : 27 Ramadan, Sahur

24.07.14 Thu : 26 Ramadan, Iftar

24.07.14 Thu : 26 Ramadan, Sahur

23.07.14 Wed : 25 Ramadan, Iftar

23.07.14 Wed : Outing with Halus @Little India

23.07.14 Wed : Thank You #Nikon Coolpix

23.07.14 Wed : 25 Ramadan, Sahur

22.07.14 Tue : 24 Ramadan, Iftar

22.07.14 Tue : 24 Ramadan, Sahur

21.07.14 Mon : 23 Ramadan, Iftar

21.07.14 Mon : Bazaar Outing #Granny Salmah

21.07.17 Mon : 23 Ramadan, Sahur

20.07.14 Sun : 22 Ramadan, Iftar

20.07.14 Sun : 22 Ramadan, Sahur

19.07.14 Sat : 21 Ramadan, Iftar

19.07.14 Sat : 21 Ramadan, Sahur
been drinking lots' of water, juice & milk.
may i go through the day well later,
18.07.14 Fri : 20 Ramadan, Iftar

18.07.14 Fri : 20 Ramadan, Snack & Sahur

17.07.14 Thu : 19 Ramadan, Iftar

17.07.14 Thu : 19 Ramadan, Sahur

16.07.14 Wed : 18 Ramadan, Iftar

16.07.14 Wed : Wedang @Golden Mile Food Centre

16.07.17 Wed : 18 Ramadan, Sahur

15.07.14 Tue : 17 Ramadan, Iftar

15.07.14 Tue : Qi Ji @Bugis

15.07.14 Tue : 17 Ramadan, Sahur

14.07.14 Mon : 16 Ramadan, Iftar & Outing

14.07.14 Mon : Tekka with Granny

13.07.14 Sun : 15 Ramadan, Iftar
cik Li & family came over to iftar together. they brought foods & drinks along. grandma looks cheerful. more foods today and family bonding, Alhamdulillah...
-kentang steak
-sambal tumis telur
-black pepper chicken
-rendang daging lembu
-soursop drinks
-water chestnut drink
-fruit salad
13.07.14 Sun : Hang Out @SP
happy to see and be with the familiar faces. on the eve of my night shift tomorrow.
bought an EDT from Ah-Chong. had murtabak from Rifah. giggle and laughter fills the night. happy friends :)
trying on a wig and shades, feeling rockstar... :p had to leave at four.
until we see each other again soon.
*Mak Yam, Wawan, Tom, Madi, Zie, Rifah, Elfie, Tasleem & Ashraff
12.07.14 Sat : 14 Ramadan, Sahur
eating crabs for sahur? certainly not me. enjoy the coconut gravy with tempe&tofu instead and compliment it with ikan asin and sambal, it was lovely... and best ever i finished a bowl of fruits yummy. Alhamdulillah...
-ketam masak lemak
-ikan asin
-sambal bawang
-fruits salad (dragonfruit, watermelon & grapes)
11.07.14 Fri : 13 Ramadan, Iftar
interesting combination for iftar.
Alhamdulillah for all the food.
-rice & prata
-ayam korma
-bendi goreng
-black sesame & peanut rice balls in sweet orange carrot soup with white fungus.
-black coffee
11.07.14 Fri : Farewell Chef John @VIP
Farewell and all the best Chef John on your new endeavour. It was a pleasure to know you here at VIP. ; )
(L-R) Chef John, Ms Jo & Mark
11.07.14 Fri : 13 Ramadan, Sahur
a special meal for sahur? never thought of it at all. grandma extend and shared her home-cook meal with me through sahur. i smiled with Alhamdulillah...
-spaghetti kuah daging pedas
-you tiao & taupok goreng sos petis
-Meiji: mixedberry yoghurt
-Ribena drink