sweet tidbits, nice but not to my liking, thank you 'Love.'

a cup of Black Coffee since morning. such a lazy day at home-stay. i do not wish to go out anywhere, just like home. comfy & being myself. rolling, snuggling and of course on Facebook for very long time. reading emails & updating blogs.

my brunch: Egg Toast with Manchurian Sauce, a taste out of this world. i enjoyed it so much that i had 6 pieces of it or perhaps i'm hungry. thank you to my sweet host.

still in the room with no intention to move my butt, yes i would like to have a cup of Milk Tea. thanks.

went to market with my host, buying fresh ingredients to cook for dinner. as we arrived in the market, there was a power cut. oh my, shop in the dark? that's exciting... for shop owner they have power generator to back up and it is well lit. for those business on the push cart or open market they have to rely on a "pump gas-torch" which helps people like me to browse in the dark places. so i understand it was a usual thing. i just hope it did not happen while i'm working on my blog without saving, it will freak& stressed me out. touchwood!

dinner: a plate of Boiled Rice with spices & top with a chunk of Butter that is delicious & filling. thank you my host darling.
i tagged in a car for a short night out to sent a girl-friend home. i had more chance to see Chandigarh at night. it was cold outside, i mean very cold... and i'm missing my MCDC, hope he is well.
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